Take your time to read it !!!

Take your time to read the Regulations for the 2025 edition, it is important to understand it.

  • 1. General information
  • 2. Race Schedule
  • 3. Entry fee and refunds
  • 4. About the motorcycle
    • 4.1 Motorcycles and inspection
    • 4.2 Refueling
    • 4.3 Repair and service
    • 4.4 Starting numbers
  • 5. Safety equipment
  • 6. Start and race course
    • 6.1 Prolog starting order
    • 6.2 Off road starting order
    • 6.3 Competitors meeting
    • 6.4 Timing and check points
  • 7. Medical assistance
  • 8. Each day timing race
    • 8.1 Timing per each race day
    • 8.2 Overall final times
    • 8.3 Final timing results 
    • 8.4 Appeal modification
    • 8.5 Publishing results
    • 8.6 Time bared time
  • 9. Regulations and penalties
    • 9.1 Registration
    • 9.2 Prolog regulations and penalties
    • 9.3 Starting the race after the official starting time
    • 9.4 Not reaching or not passing a CP
    • 9.5 CP, maximum crossing time
  • 10. Arriving to the finish line
    • 10.1 Not crossing the finish line
    • 10.2 Crossing the finish line after time bared time
    • 10.3 Time penalties
    • 10.4 Abandonment instructions
    • 10.5 The sweeper
    • 10.6 For the cheaters
  • 11. About the results
    • 11.1 Publishing results
    • 11.2 Apeals and objections about results
  • 12. Competitor´s Liability
  • 13. Audiovisual content
  • 14. Adjournment or cancelation of the event
  • 15. About prizes

1. About the race

– The “De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro race, is governed by the following rules:

– The “De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro, is a race that takes place in the city of San Miguel de Allende, Gto., México, on XXXXXXX, XXXX, XXXX and XXXX of 2025

– For this first edition, the race will have 3 categories.

– The race consists of 3 days of competition, the first day is carried out the Prologue. The second and third day will be carried out on the hard enduro route outside San Miguel de Allende. The starting point of the competition for the 2nd and 3rd day will be close to the city, so the transfer to the starting area does not present any inconvenience.

– The entire route will be perfectly marked with plastic ribbons. The use of a GPS will be mandatory. If for any reason the marks are romeved or changed without authorization from the organizers, the GPS will save you a headache.

–  The organizers will provide the participants with:

  •   Bottled water at some CP’s
  •   Buffet lunch at the Headquarters Hotel after finishing each hard enduro day (2nd and 3rd day).
  •   Vehicles and first aid personnel fully equipped for any emergency.
  •   Sweeper (at the end of each day)
  • Prize and closing party (food and beverages are not included)

2. Race program

  • Day 0 (Xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx), registration and pick up riders kits
  • Day 1 (Xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx), prologue (soon regulation of the prologue and race schedules)
  • Days 2 and 3 (Xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx), hard enduro race
  • Day 3 (Xxxxxxxx), prizes and closing party after the race.

3. Entry fee and refunds

– The entry fees per participant for the “De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro race, will be $ ,000 pesos since the event is published and until Xxxxxxx, from the Xxxx to the Xxxx of Xxxxx, the cost will be $ ,000 pesos.

– Xxxx, Xxxxxx at 13:00 hours, registration is closed, after this date and time, no registration payment will be received. – The entry fee payment for the race “De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro, can only be reimbursed if the request is made before Xxxxxx and it will be only 50% of the entry fee, after this date there will be no refunds, but the rider will have the option of transferring it registration to someone else with the obligation from both to let known the organizers of this change, otherwise the organizers are not responsible.

4. Motorcycles and inspection

– 4.1 Any 2 and 4-cycle motorcycle in good condition can be used to participate in the “De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro race. Prepare your bike with time to race safety.

– 4.2 Loading fuel to the bike can be done only before the race start. A tank of aprox 10 liters will be enough to do the whole track of each category. In the event that a rider requires extra fuel while on the track, this can only be given by another rider who is competing too. Receiving fuel from someone else will be disqualification.

– 4.3 After crossing the starting line, the rider will be the only one to be able to carry out repairs to the motorcycle. Changing tires is no longer allowed after the race started. No assistance, tools or spare parts other than the ones from another riders who are also competing can be given, otherwise it will be immediate disqualification.

– 4.4 The race number that each motorcycle will carry during the race will be supplied in the rider kit by the organizing committee. Under no circumstances may modifications be made to the label without prior knowledge of the organizing committee. It is strictly forbidden to use any numbered tag other than the official one. If for any reason label is damaged during any race day, it will be the obligation of the participant to let the organization know to be able to do its replacement, otherwise, the participant will receive a 10-minute penalty being reflected in the time of the current day and in the overall time.

5. Safety gear

– It is mandatory for each participant to use all the time during the race the security gear / equipment listed below (*cell phone and tool kit are not mandatories during the Prologue):  

  • 1. Helmet (DOT certified)
  • 2. Chest protector
  • 3. Motocross boots
  • 4. Gloves
  • 5. Knee pads
  • 6. Hydroback for minimum 1.5 liters
  • 7. *Tool kit
  • 8. *Mobile phone able to call and receive calls

– The organizing committee will deny participation in the race to any competitor who does not have any of these safety features.

6. Start and race course

– 6.1 The starting order of the Prologue qualifying rounds for each category will be according to the order of registration to the race and the participants will start 1 by 1 every 15 seconds. The best 14 times of each category will participate in the finals doing 10 laps to the track each category. It will be mandatory for all categories to participate in the Prologue. The results of the Prolog will determine the starting order for day 2 (first hard enduro competition day). If a participant for any reason cannot do the Prologue, then for it first hard enduro competition day it will leave in the last position of the corresponding category. Soon more information about the Prologue.

– 6.2 The starting time of the first competitor for the two hard enduro days will be at 7:00 am. The first 10 riders of each category will start one at a time, having an interval of 1 minute between each other, from the position 11 onwards riders will start 2 by 2 every 30 seconds.

– 6.3 A competitor’s meeting will be held at the end of each race day at 20:30 hours in the Headquarter´s Hotel to give details and indications of the following day.

– 6.4 During the hard enduro race days, there will be a set of number of checkpoints (CP’s) along the route dividing the route into sections and serving to record the pass time by each rider. Each section or checkpoint as well as the complete route must be covered by the rider in a maximum time that will be determined by the organizing committee and will be made known to the riders in the competitor’s meeting.

7. Medical assistance

– In the event of a minor accident but requires medical assistance, you must immediately contact the organization at the telephone number that will be provide at the registration as well as notify to the first competitor that arrives at the point of the incident, this competitor has the obligation to inform to the people in charge of the immediate checkpoint about the situation. The organizing committee will coordinate immediately with the medical assistance to send first aid personnel in the shortest possible time to the scene of the incident. The maximum time of arrival of the medical assistance to the farthest point of the track will be 25 minutes approximately. If it is necessary for a competitor to provide any assistance that requires him to stay at the scene of the accident, then all that time that the competitor remains in the place, will be adjusted at the end of the race day.

8. Official race times

– 8.1 The total time per day of each competitor will be the result of the sum of the time made during the hard enduro race day plus the time of any penalty (as long as any penalty applies)

– 8.2 The final time that will indicate the official results  per competitor, will be the one obtained from the sum of the times of each hard enduro race day, plus the time of any penalty (as long as any penalty applies)

– 8.3 The winner from each category of the first edition of “De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro will be the one that at the end of the two hard enduro days, makes the shortes time

– 8.4 The organizing committee may modify the results, sanctioning or disqualifying any competitor who has breached this regulation

– 8.5 The results of each day, as well as the maximum racing times for the following days, will be published in each competitors meeting

– 8.6 If the competitor crosses a checkpoint and the time indicator shows that he is out of time, he will not be able to continue, he will be asked to leave the route and will be instructed on which way to take for his safe return to the finish line.

– 8.7 Not finishing on time in the first hard enduro day equal abandonment, however, if the rider decides so, he will be able to participate in the second hard enduro day, but without the possibility of obtaining a finisher’s medal.

9. Regulations and penalties

– 9.1 During the registration, it is the competitor’s obligation to show a mobile phone able to do calls and receive them, as well as the tool kit. Both the phone and the tool kit must be with the competitor during the two hard enduro race days. It will be a penalty (20 minutes) not to have these two elements during the competition. It is not necessary to take them with you on the Prologue day

– 9.2 The rules and penalties relating to the Prologue will be published soon

– 9.3 Any competitor who starts the race out of his official starting time will be penalized with 15 minutes, plus the time of delay. If the competitor reaches the starting point of the route with more than 1 hour of delay, he can not take the start and will be considered abandonment

– 9.4 Any competitor who during the race does not pass through a checkpoint or does not stop there, will be considered as abandonment, the competitor will be asked to leave the race track and take a safety road, not to follow these instructions will mean automatic disqualification

– 9.5 Failure to pass through a checkpoint because the maximum race time has been exceded means abandonment and the competitor will not be able to continue, however, if the rider decides so, he will be able to participate in the second hard enduro day, but without the possibility of obtaining a finisher’s medal.

10. Finish line

– 10.1 Failure to cross the finish line on the first hard enduro day means abandonment, however, if the rider decides so, he will be able to participate in the second hard enduro day, but without the possibility of obtaining a finisher’s medal.

– 10.2 If the competitor finish the first hard enduro race day within the maximum time allowed, but the second day is not completed within the time before mentioned, then the rider would not have the option to obtain a finisher medal.

– 10.3 All competitors who leave the race at some checkpoint must follow the instructions of the PC manager who will indicate to follow a safety road to go to the finish line in order to register their arrival and know that they are ok and back

– 10.4 If a competitor is forced to abandon the race due to mechanical problems and it is not possible to move his motorcycle, it will be his obligation to inform to an assistant of the organization, both en route and in the paddock for the sweeper to have knowledge and can provide assistance, the organization is not responsible for any motorcycle damage or theft of it, so it is recommended to the pilot not to leave his/her vehicle until the assistance arrives

– 10.5 Short cuts means automatic disqualification, “we do not want more cheaters, we want champions”

11. About the results

– 11.1 Preliminary and official results will be published in the Headquarter Hotel and on the official race website

– 11.2 The competitor have a maximum of 1 hour after the final preliminary times have been published, in order to appeal his results (the appeal must be in writing and sent to the organizing committee), after 60 minutes, the results will be considered as oficials (this applies to each race days)

12. Responsability and renunciation to responsability of the competitor

– The competitor declares under oath that he does not suffer acquired physical or congenital diseases, or injuries that could cause disruption in his health or living conditions, as a result of participating in the race called “De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro. Likewise, the competitor declares under oath that before participating in the competition, he has performed a medical checkup and is in optimal physical conditions to participate in it, as well as assume all risks associated with the  participation in the present race (Falls, contact with other participants, weather problems, vehicular traffic, road conditions and / or any other type of risk that may be caused to the competitor or caused to third parties)

The competitor is aware and voluntarily accepts that “the organizing committee, its  assistants, the owner of the event, the owner or manager of the land used for the race, as well as the owner of any installation / construction located throughout the route of the race, as well as to the promoter and sponsors of the competition “De Ida & Vuelta” “Hard Enduro” are NOT responsible for any type of compensation, claim, cost, damage and / or loss claimed, including, but not limited to, damages for accidents, material, physical, psychological and / or moral damages, theft  caused to the competitor and to the motorcycle under his charge during the  participation in the race ” De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro. If the competitor is not the owner of the motorcycle that drives during the aforementioned competition, he declares that “the organizing committee, its assistants, the owner of the event, the owner or manager of the land used for the race, as well as the owner of any installation / construction located along the route of the race, as well as to the promoter and sponsors of the competition “De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro, are free from any claim of the owner of the motorcycle. Having read this statement and knowing these facts, the competitor takes part in this race under his own responsibility and releases by means of his/her registration to the race “De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro and his/her payment of the entry fee to “the organizing committee, its assistants, the owner of the event, the owner or person in charge of the land used for the race, as well as the owner of any installation / construction located along the route of the race, as well as the promoter and sponsors of the “De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro race, of any and all claims or liability of any kind arising out of the competitors participation in this race, as well as any loss or theft that the competitor may suffer.

13. Audiovisual material 

– The competitor authorizes the race organizers to use, reproduce, distribute and / or publish photographs, films, videos, recordings and / or any other means of recording of their person taken with reason and in the occasion of the present competition, without economic compensation in favor of the participant of the present race.

14. Adjournment or cancelation of the event

– The competitor understands that the organizing committee may suspend or modify dates without prior notice, including increasing or reducing the number of registrations according to needs or technical or structural availability.  The organizing committee may suspend the event for reasons of public safety, public acts, vandalism and / or reasons out of it hands.

15. About the prizes

– 15.1 All the information about the prizes for this first edition of the “De Ida & Vuelta” Hard Enduro race will be published soon.